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Academic Journals

Image by Scott Graham






Calderón-Villarreal, A., Carrasco, B. I. V., Friedman, J., & Schiavon, R. (2023). Accompaniment on the edge: What can the US learn from Latin America about contested abortion care? PLOS Global Public Health, 3(5), e0001922.


Calderón-Villarreal A, Alamo-Hernández U, Terry B, Salgado-de-Snyder N. (2023). Popular education to improve water quality and hygiene in a Mexican indigenous community. Global Health Promotion. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/17579759231152875​​​


Calderón-Villarreal, A., Terry, B., Friedman, J., González-Olachea, S. A., Chavez, A., Díaz López, M., Pacheco Bufanda, L., Martinez, C., Medina Ponce, S. E., Cázares-Adame, R., Rochin Bochm, P. F., Kayser, G., Strathdee, S. A., Muñoz Meléndez, G., Holmes, S. M., Bojorquez, I., Los Huertos, M., & Bourgois, P. (2022). Deported, homeless, and into the canal: Environmental structural violence in the binational Tijuana River. Social science & medicine (1982), 305, 115044.


Calderón-Villarreal, A., Schweitzer, R., & Kayser, G. (2022). Social and geographic inequalities in water, sanitation and hygiene access in 21 refugee camps and settlements in Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe. International Journal for Equity in Health, 21(1), 27.


Calderon-Villarreal, A., Mujica, O. J., & Bojorquez, I. (2020). Social inequalities and prevalence of depressive symptoms: A cross-sectional study of women in a Mexican border city, 2014. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, 44, 1.




Ponce-Hernandez, D. J., Sordo, L., Reynales-Shigematsu, L. M., Regidor-Poyatos, E., Henares-Montiel, J., & Calderón Villarreal, A. (2022). Progress and challenges in tobacco control policies in Mexico, 2003–2017: an approach using the Tobacco Control Scale. Journal of Public Health Policy.


Knaul, F. M., Arreola-Ornelas, H., Essue, B. M., Nargund, R. S., García, P., Gómez, U. S. A., Dhatt, R., Calderón-Villarreal, A., Yerramilli, P., & Langer, A. (2022). The feminization of medicine in Latin America: ‘More-the-merrier’ will not beget gender equity or strengthen health systems. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, 8, 100201.


Kamau, R., Martin, J. S., Calderón-Villarreal, A., & Jacobs, C. (2022). Inclusivity starts with language. The Lancet, 399(10323), 434–435.


Friedman, J. H., Calderón-Villarreal, A., Adame, R. P., Abramovitz, D., Rafful, C., Rangel, G., Vera, A., Strathdee, S. A., & Bourgois, P. (2022). An Ethnographic Assessment of COVID-19‒Related Changes to the Risk Environment for People Who Use Drugs in Tijuana, Mexico. American Journal of Public Health, 112(S2), S199–S205.


Strathdee, S. A., Abramovitz, D., Harvey-Vera, A., Vera, C. F., Rangel, G., Artamonova, I., Chaillon, A., Ignacio, C., Calderon, A., Martin, N. K., & Patterson, T. L. (2021). Prevalence and correlates of SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity among people who inject drugs in the San Diego-Tijuana border region. PLOS ONE, 16(11), e0260286.


Friedman, J., Calderon-Villarreal, A., Heggebø, K., Balaj, M., Bambra, C., & Eikemo, T. A. (2021). COVID-19 and the Nordic Paradox: A call to measure the inequality reducing benefits of welfare systems in the wake of the pandemic. Social Science & Medicine, 289, 114455.


Bojorquez, I., Flórez-García, V., Calderón-Villarreal, A., & Fernández-Niño, J. A. (2020). Health policies for international migrants: A comparison between Mexico and Colombia. Health Policy OPEN, 100003.


Friedman, J., Calderón-Villarreal, A., Bojorquez, I., Hernández, C. V., Schriger, D. L., & Hirashima, E. T. (2020). Excess Out-of-Hospital Mortality and Declining Oxygen Saturation: The Sentinel Role of Emergency Medical Services Data in the COVID-19 Crisis in Tijuana, Mexico. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 76(4), 413–426.

Policy Briefs

Other publications

Martínez-Dávalos A, Robles-Valencia CI, Calderón-Villarreal A, Orta-Rentería JM, Macías-Gamiño H, Aguirre-de Samaniego S, Torres-Poveda KJ, Castillo-Castillo LE. (2017). Book Chapter: Integral diagnosis of health of the municipality of Jiutepec, Morelos, 2015. Diagnósticos Integrales de Salud Poblacional. Resultados de proyectos realizados por equipos de trabajo de la Maestría en Salud Pública, septiembre 2014-agosto 2016. Cuernavaca, Morelos: Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, 2017

Water, sanitation and hygiene access, insecurity, inequalities, including menstrual health, and their association with abscess Incidence among people who inject drugs in the Tijuana and San Diego Metropolitan Area 

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